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What Are the Odds?

On this episode of Bracewell Covered, Vince Morgan discusses hurricanes and climate change with Eric Berger, the host of Space City Weather and the senior space editor at Ars Technica . Eric is a certified meteorologist who has written about...

The COVID-19 Change Order

During the pandemic it has become common for contractors to submit change orders to owners seeking reimbursement for COVID-19 related expenses and costs. This is especially true for large construction projects. These “COVID-19 Change Orders” seek reimbursement for everything from...

In re TPC Group Inc: Delaware Bankruptcy Court Determines that Issuance of Priming Senior Notes is Not Prohibited Absent Express Anti-Subordination Provision

Following a July 6, 2022 memorandum opinion from the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware, lenders and noteholders seeking to preserve the priority of their liens must make any desired subordination protections explicit in their security documents...

The Basics of Crypto Mining Deals

On this episode of Bracewell Crypto Bits, Jared Berg joins host Anne Termine for the first in a series of discussions about crypto mining. Jared and Anne discuss the basics around structuring and setting up a crypto mining operation. This...

The Crossroads of Crypto and Cyber

On this episode of Bracewell Crypto Bits, Anne Termine is joined by New York partner Seth DuCharme for a discussion about the intersection of cryptocurrency and cybersecurity. Prior to joining Bracewell in 2021, Seth served as principal associate deputy attorney...

Environmental Essentials: Texas Air Permitting Round-Up

Bracewell Partner Whit Swift reviews the recent activity on three separate air permitting topics and how each development could impact members of the regulated community: EPA Orders objecting to Texas Title V permits; the TCEQ Commissioners’ evaluation of requests for...


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