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Keeping Your Plant Safe From COVID-19

If you’re a plant owner, you should be concerned about the health and safety not only of your employers but of your contractors’ workers. Bob Nichols, a partner in Bracewell’s labor and employment team, discusses why you need to be...

Green Loans and Sustainability Linked Loans: New Guidance to the Green Loan Principles and Sustainability Linked Loan Principles jointly issued by the LMA, the LSTA and the APLMA

The present and future impact of climate change, human rights violations, corruption, environmental, labour and regulatory violations and poor corporate governance on the quality of investments and the associated credit risks has spurred widespread recognition by the finance community of...

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission Guidance

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC” or “Commission”) Division of Enforcement (“Division”) today issued “ Civil Monetary Penalty Guidance ” regarding factors staff will consider when recommending civil monetary penalties to the Commission. The guidance tracks with prior guidance and...


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